Created in 2004 by two passionate travelers and fallen under the charm of Asia and more particularly Nepal, the brand Fantazia is the meeting of two cultures, a bold mix of East and West for a casual, bohemian or urban style with a unique touch of originality.

From the beginning, FantaZia is getting closer to the principles of Ethical Trading by surrounding itself with the same two workshops that have shared its values and requirements of humanity and quality for more than 10 years, pre-financing in particular the purchases of craftsmen and paying them much more than the market average.
But for Céline and Jean-Renan, faced with the misery of the people of Nepal, this is not enough ... They want to do more, and support a project that helps to develop Nepal, while supporting the most fragile. They then make a meeting that will profoundly change their way of conceiving the future ... Indra, humanitarian activist and Creator-President of the Nepalese association TOIT, whose action is to help disadvantaged children to continue their schooling instead to drag their misery in the streets ...

Since 2007 FantaZia has the sweet project, in collaboration with the association TOIT, to build a school and offer quality schooling to disadvantaged children in Nepal.
Today the school hosts more than 160 Nepalese (e) s and many micro projects have emerged.
From the beginning the purpose was that Fantazia not only manages to build this school but especially that it no longer depends on its funds to exist.
Well done today, and it is with emotion and pride that we can announce that thanks to you, the TOIT school started in 2007 is now over!

Ecole TOIT nepal

Our commitment to Ethical Trade with Nepal will continue with accessories in wool and paper bags in recycled newspapers made by the marginalized women of the TOIT association.

And then, who knows ? New beautiful projects will arrive soon!

Fantazia, clothes that make you feel good and that make you feel good!

Happy Clothes for Happy People !!!

The team:

Jean-Renan & Céline: lead the tribe FZ & redouble inventiveness and work to always amaze and satisfy you!

Guillaume, Jay & Ophélie: lovingly prepare your orders, respond to your requests by email or phone as quickly as possible, and always with a smile! :-)