Fair trade commitments

We go twice a year to Nepal to create original clothes and engaged with the same small craftsmen since 2004, who work in the respect of the rights of the Man and the Child. (WTO standards).

Each of our stays is an opportunity for us to exchange: our creations are inspired by Western designs and traditional oriental know-how, because it is important for us not to lose everyone's identity.

Compared to the beginnings of FantaZia and despite the increase of our purchasing volumes, our purchase prices are never negotiated, they are the ones who fix their price and increase them according to the evolution of the local costs of our craftsmen.

We pay 30 to 50% of our orders in advance to our producers who have cash flow difficulties to finance the purchase of raw materials.

Because promoting access to education is often the best way to help the most disadvantaged, FantaZia has allowed the construction of a school in Nepal and supports since 2008 the sponsorship of 30 small Nepalese (e) s.


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